Why Some People Feel Sleepy Over the Day
Science Daily
Have you ever wondered why some people need more sleep then others, or why there are people who want to sleep during the day? Well this may have something to do with your genes. There is something called narcolepsy this is when people are feeling very sleepy during the day {like in school for some kids.}There is also a gene named DQBI*0602.Any one who has this gene doesn’t need to panic because this doesn’t mean that a person will develop narcolepsy. Scientist said that 12-38 percent of those with the gene DQBI*0602 are healthy sleepers and there is no problem. But people with a gene can also develop narcolepsy but this is much less common. Scientist did a test, they let people without sleeping problems sleep for 10hr and they woke up fresh.2 days after they only let them sleep for 4hr and the people could do anything to stay awake {read, play games and watch a movie, But the people with the gene were falling asleep much faster. At the end people who had the gene had the average of 29 min of sleeping, and the other ones without problems for sleeping had 35 mins.