Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Current Even

Spiders silk web stronger then steel!

By Meera Dolasia on 01/05/2012

Im guessing that not most of you ever though that the strength of silk could be as hard as steel itself. To prove this scientist have been playing around with spider silk for many years, but now they developed a new technic that has proven to be successful. Scientists have taken an animal that naturally produces wool as well as the spider, and they have decided to settle with silkworms. Even though we been using there silk to produce body wear for so many centuries is not nearly as strong as the spiders silk. So in order to change that scientist took the spider silk and injected it into the cocoon of the silkworms {the cocoons are the place in which were they produce silk} and this injection contained spider silk elasticity* as well. The result as i mentioned above was exact to the scientists hypothesis. The resulting silk, that comprised of 95% silkworm protein and 5% spider silk proteins is 48% stronger than normal silk and about 61% as strong as the overall strength. Scientists already see of this experiment being of great help in the future. People have already been discussing on making a bullet proof vest with this soft material. By this experiment you can see that so many things in life are not what they seem at sight of a naked eye.

*elasticity is the stretching of an object, commonly refereed to as flexibility  

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