Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Current Even

    Can Gold Cause Trees to Turn in to Streetlights
Meera Dolasia
on 11/15/2010
Do you think that it’s such a crazy idea to turn trees into
Streetlights? If you really what to know more about this topic your probably asking your self  “How can trees take the jobs as streetlights,” well, I am going to share that right now. The nano gold particles{in gold} is almost like green energy which can turn trees into streetlights. A team of scientist led by Yen-Hsun Su a scientist form China Taiwan has taken LED {the thing that is in street lights} and not only is it really expensive it is also quite toxic. For this amazing life changing experiment he {Yen-Hsun Su} infused sea urchin shaped nanoparticles of gold inside the leaves of a Bacopa Caroliniana plant. Although this idea is really cool and smart and wealthy it has some issues like every winter the leaves fall and because of that it’s a problem to bringing this idea to life.
Here is the image of what it look like



  1. Cool,i wonder how long they can live the trees of course

  2. This is a neat idea. I wonder if it would work with pine trees because they don't lose their leaves. Also, I'm not really sure how they make this into a streetlight!

  3. meet to but i found out that they are trying to make it but they are having difficulties
