Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my current event

         How Pumpkins Get Surprised
 By Alexandra Witze for Science News
November 3, 2010

Have you ever dreamed of seeing a pumpkin that’s as big as a full grown man and weighs much but when I say much I mean much more than a human? Well scientist found out that the “Great Pumpkin” actually exists, and not only that but scientist also found out what causes happen so that the pumpkin gets so much bigger than his actual form. For a pumpkin to get bigger the guard needs to get bigger therefore increasing its stress. “Their weight generates tension, which pulls cells apart and accelerates growth,” says David Hu a mechanical engineer from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. This pumpkin was found in the Guinness world records, it was so popular because it weighs 1,810.5  pounds. As you can hear {and see in 3 seconds} this is a very very big pumpkin and it deserved to go in the Guinness world records.    


Here is the Pumpkin being lifted from the ground, and as you can see it as big as a person and much heavier than him


  1. Wow! Have you ever seen a pumpkin this big? I have! In Maine, we have harvest fairs where people bring in all their prized produce for awards.

  2. WOW huge pumkin!!! haha LOL....XD

  3. awesome mrs. M. I would like to go there and see live pumkins that are this big

  4. What do you suppose we could do with such large pumpkins?
