Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Living Things

The things I know about living things are that all of them have needs, what I mean by that is that they need water, sun, food or anything else and so on. They also need to need to have cells to be a living thing, like a normal human being or an animal or a plant {A interesting fact about plants is that not only do they have cells they also have DNA} etc. They need to be able to grow and also when they reach certain point they need to reproduce. But sometimes there are situation when something was a living thing but it is not anymore, take for example a table {if its made out of wood.} Tress are considered living things so when a woodsman comes and chops it down and makes it into a table it is not consider to be alive, or so I think. A thing I would like to know is  can a thing that isn’t live over time develop into a thing that is? I also would like to know how scientist see what color the cells in our bodies are? That’s all the questions I have I hope that I find out my answer through out this interesting unit.  Thank you once again Mrs M for choosing a fun unit for us to do.
I hope you enjoyed!

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