Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Zealand's Psychic Sheep

Since Paul the Octopus seer who predicted the outcome of Spain winning the world cup, nobody was as good of a psychic, until Sonny Wool showed up, New Zealand's psychic. Not only is it amazing that she predicted that New Zealand will win two games in the rugby world cup, which they did accomplish, shes also a sheep {and when i say sheep i mean it, the one who goes baaa.} It all started when she was a little lamb, she could predict whenever there was going to be a rainfalls or storms. Hence when the rugby cup season kicked off Sonny's owner Dan Boyd decided to test if the sheep could foresee more important events {which to him meant rugby} Like Iv mentioned before so far the sheep's foreseeing was very accurate, and the people of New Zealand hope for it to stay accurate. To enable the sheep to tell his prediction, the sheep's owner Dan sets up to boxes of hay. On both of the boxes there is a flag, one of their country/team and the other with the others country/opponent team. And the one that Sonny chooses to eat the hay from represents the wining team. I know that most of you think that shes only an animal and that the hay shes eating is only because shes hungry i think this to but how could you explain two wins, we might have to wait and see if shell make any mistakes.
below is a picture of Sonny Wool and a video

1 comment:

  1. Smart sheep. I wish I had one, which predicts when will I score a point in tennis. Good work. Correct grammar, nice spelling and good sentance structure.
